The Rockland County Chapter of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance runs solely on donations.  It’s only support comes from weekly membership donations, an annual appeal, and you, our readers’ generous donations.  In order for our chapter to continue to provide weekly support groups for persons with mood disorders, dual diagnoses, their friends, and families we must ask for your financial support.   We are a peer-to-peer, purely volunteer chapter.  As a Nonprofit (501c3) organization those in leadership could draw a salary, they do not, our purchases are tax deductible, as well as your donations, to the fullest extent allowed by law.


Rockland DBSA needs funds to be there for the many challenged with a mood disorder and those that support them.  There are costs such as insurance, printing, mailing, dues, training, etc. that need to be covered in order to maintain the level of support, information, and care that we provide.  We can’t provide the one-to-one personal warmth, friendliness and care without your financial support.


Rockland DBSA is a self-supporting chapter and we do not charge membership fees for our support groups.  Please, we ask you to send what you are able so that our chapter can continue to offer its services of support to those in need.     


Just click the yellow PayPal Donate button below.  

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Our Sincerest Thanks,

Rockland DBSA Board of Directors


Small Donate Button





Click the link “” button in the right sidebar and have 0.3% of every purchase donated to

Rockland DBSA.


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